Thursday, June 30, 2011

[SgFreecycle] Re: Suggestion: Randomly select receiving party


I agree. that more time shd be given to real interested party than rush them off to the 1st to reply..

my encounter:

I once met a person who came to pick up furniture and told me his wife is choosing from all sorts of free website so she could change furniture she do not like at home. They are not in need.

I met a lady she gave away her furniture to a member of freecycle who told her she desperately need it. And to her horror she found her very same furniture being sold in some website.

Many of my friends heard about freecycle and they do not want to be rip off by abuser so they did not participate in freecycle.

i felt is a pity that this freecycling is being abused, i have benefited from this when i so needed a carseat when my second boy came along and someone gave me .

pls upkeep the good name and good intention of freecycling.



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