Wednesday, April 8, 2015

[SgFreecycle] OFFER: Children and Misc items


  1. Loom bands (4 packets)
  2. Family DVDs (for titles see pic)
  3. Illusion Money box
  4. Toys (i) Figurines (ii)Spinning top
  5. Outdoor toys (i) Frisbee (ii) Toddler Skateboard (iii) Child's Tennis Racket (21 inch) (iv) Bubbles (v) Inflatable Football (vi) Inflatable bouncy balloons (vii) Red sunglasses
  6. Original Magnetic strip MRT/Bus card
  7. Bags (i) Straw Bag (ii) Blue Velvet mini carrier
  8. Rubber thimbles (11x)
  9. Canon printer ink cartridges 725 (1x) and 726 (black and yellow, 2 each). Unopened.
  10. Executive ball & chain puzzle
  11. Straw table mats
  12. Crutches (height 1.7m)

Collection at Toh Tuck area. Pictures available under folder 150408 RVHS12


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